• Welcome to my weblog!

This is a weblog where I can put up some of my best work as make-up artist(visagist)/hairstylist. It's great to work with make-up and see how it can really transform people. I've worked with Estee Lauder, Dior, Lancaster and many other major brands but I also do freelance work for media productions such as TV, films, commercials, fashion, editorials, music videos as well as weddings and other special occasions and etc. I hope to reach more people to see my work and hopefully to get more contacts in this area. Feel free to contact me if you are interested either on my mobile or with email.

I can't guarantee that all of the make-up and skincare products I recommend will suit you. I only use products I personally think are good having tried them on myself and my clients but everyone's skin is different and it's possible to be allergic to anything. Wherever possible, test products out on yourself before purchasing.

You can find some of my work under the 'Blog Archive'. Thanks for visiting.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Two models here. One playing as a school teacher and the other one as Gothic dude. Unfortunately I forgot to make the 'Before' photo of him.


Another internet film project.

IKEA Shoot

This was a project from IKEA Netherlands. It's a company interactive internet film . Collaborating here with director Andrew Crawford. This project gave me a whole new experience with interactive filming.
Here retouching make-up for actress Ching. Other examples here are Joost and Henk. You can see the rest of the my work in this project at http://www.ikea.com/ms/nl_NL/jobs/afdelingen_functies/index.html


Inge wanted to be daring for a special theme party. Here I did a 'Biker's Chick' look for her. We had a lot of laugh that evening.